
Showing posts from June, 2011

HerbnArts: The Memory of Magic Jenny...

HerbnArts: The Memory of Magic Jenny... : " As I was ringing a customer's items at the store where I work, she commented about two little girls who walked by us, hand in hand. Th..."

The Memory of Magic Jenny...

     As I was ringing a customer's items at the store where I work, she commented about two little girls who walked by us, hand in hand.  They had just had their portrait done in my store's studio.  All ribboned hair and cutesy little girl clothing, they walked side by side holding hands.  The site of the two little girls had triggered a sweet memory for my customer.  She made the comment about how every little girl had that sweet moment of holding hand with a special little friend, and she wished life was that simple again.  As I considered the thought I realized that I did not have such a treasured memory.  "I don't have that kind of a memory," I commented.  Surprised, the lady said, "You don't?  Why is that?"  I began to explain that as an only child I was raised in a neighborhood where there were no other children.  I spent a lot of time alone.  My imagination and my pets were my solitary world in childhood....

Grandpa and the Garden Fairies...

     ...The rains have stopped their deluge and the warm, sunshiny days of summer are upon us.  Lots of gardening clean-up going on here at Johnson House.  I'm a month behind on getting the gardens whipped into shape due to the extreme rainy conditions of our wet, wet spring.  I know I've kicked into summer mode when I start thinking about spray painting stuff.  My friends all tease me about my spray painting ventures.  When in doubt, spray it gold!  That's a bit of Grandma Jesse in me.  She was notorious for gold leafing things.  She restored antique furniture.  Jesse was a flower arranger, too.  Her basement shelves were lined with all kinds of containers for that purpose.  And she had no qualms at spraying any of them gold when it served her purpose.  One of my friends once gave me a whole carton of gold spray paint as a joke.  Not funny to me, I was thrilled!  I just hope the authorities don't ...