The Cat Who Came to Tea...

Two new feline friends have come to live at Johnson House, and how my life has changed! Two young retired gentlemen kitties are livening up things around the house. Miss Lily and Twinkle, my two older cats, are beginning to tolerate the newcomers. Lily and Twinkle are around 11 years old, making both cats much more subdued. I have never had to watch out for things they might get into around the house. If I sat to watch a bit of television in the evenings, my two feline buddies would curl up with me as we spent a quiet night at home together. But now things have changed. The newcomers are all of two years old, and are so active that I wonder when they ever sleep. The fluffy one, Honey Bunny, is so cute I can hardly stand it. His big round eyes just look at you as if to say, "I'm so cute, how could I have done anything wrong?" He does somersaults when I rub his curly belly and scratch his back. ...