Roses, Roses...

...For nearly two weeks the roses have been blooming here in Ohio. That's a bit early for us, but then, the weather has been much milder than usual. Roses like cool nights and sunny days, and that is what we have had until Memorial Day weekend. It was hot and humid which caused my rambling roses to virtually explode into opening and then to be spent in nearly a day. So, I have had to work fast at harvesting the blooms for the crafting projects that I have in mind. Though my roses are producing quite a few flowers this year, it is not nearly enough for all the things I would like to do with them. I may start visiting the neighbors to get a "cup of roses" from them. I admit to being tempted to stop and harvest roses from the rambler growing wild on the property of a church building that is for sale. Sounds like something my grandmother would do. At any rate, the millefleurs are producing copious amounts of bloss...