
Showing posts from June, 2012

Summer Thyme and Tea

    ...Summer has officially arrived.  It has been swelteringly hot, and the fans and air-conditioners have been running full tilt here in Ohio.  Thankfully we have had some rain, and a few passing storms that broke the heat.  Today is deliciously cooler with a stiff breeze that is keep the house comfortable without having to run the air-conditioner.  This comfort level prompts me to think about tea and treats in the garden.  One of my favorite pastimes is that of thumbing through my collection of herb gardening books.  As I looked through one of my books about tea I found a delightful recipe that is perfect for summertime treats.  I haven't tried it yet, but it sounds great, so I will share it with you.            GREEN TEA AND ROSE PETAL POPSICLES                      3 cups ...

Bloom Where You're Planted...

    ...From fall-like cool temperatures to hot summer temperatures.  Welcome to summer in Ohio.  We aren't seeing much rain so far.  That's a good new/bad news scenario.  Good news for the art shows and all the festivals...bad news for the gardens and lawns.  Already the lawns are showing brown spots while the weeds are thriving.  It looks as though I will be watering the garden areas twice a day.  I don't water grass, so it will just have to turn brown.  At least I won't be mowing every time I turn around.      While watering some of my garden areas around the house I noticed that I have two evening primrose plants blooming their heads off in this heat.  Why they have chosen to grow in the gravel in the driveway rather than in the flower beds I will never understand.  But, there was a nice surprise for the day when I saw their cheery yellow blossoms beaming in th...