Summer Treasures

...The little kid in me still picks up stuff I find on the ground wherever I go. This summer I have discovered pennies and nickels, lots of interesting rocks and stones, bits of wood, feathers, and scraps of fabric. Occasionally I find bits of pieces of jewelry and worn pieces of glass. Sometimes rusted nuts and bolts find their way into my collection of discarded memorabilia. Placing all these things together creates an interesting tapestry of how I spent my summer. As a child I put my special treasures together in a memory box to help me to relive my summer exploits. In the middle of the snowy winters I would pull out my summer treasure box and spend time with my memories of when I found each item. Autumn is another season that provides copious treasures that find their way into my pockets. Bounties of acorn caps testify that squirrels have been busy storing food for the coming cold months. Even winter h...