Mid-Summer Joy...

...Mid-summer, and it has cooled off finally. With temperatures in the 70's and lower humidity, Ohio has turned into the summertime I remember as a child. This is the weather that makes me want to garden and live outdoors. A visit to the Norton Library showed me how well the herb garden there was doing. Kudos to the Twinsbrook Garden Club of Norton who planted and maintains this little jewel of a garden Using a narrow plot of ground approximately 18 feet by 6 feet the garden club has packed flowering herbs and bits of landscape features into the small space creating a miniature sanctuary for bees and butterflies. A checkerboard pattern of stepping stones makes not only a practical way to step through the tiny garden, but also creates an interesting visual display. Twinsbrook gardeners have used their creativity in the materials they have chosen to design the garden. By using invert tiny clay pots the plants have individual ma...