Written In Stone...

...It is hard to believe that October is nearly finished. This year has been a bit of a blur for me. Moving from my home of 25 years has proven to be much more of an adventure than I could have ever imagined. The biggest adjustment has been that of not having a garden. I did manage a few plants in containers, but even that was no real feeling of satisfaction for a deep dirt gardener. That meant that there were no little visitors for me such as Delilah the dragonfly, Scout the black-capped chickadee, Sooty the black squirrel, Sparky, the chipmunk, Sydney the mole, Fredrick and Gertrude the morning doves, Christopher and Lizzie the cardinals, and Edgar the toad. The good news is there are no raccoons crawling up the side of the house and tearing off the roofing shingles. And there were no ugly buzzards stopping by to dine on dead rabbit in the yard. Gratefully, too, no murder of crows gathered in ...