
Showing posts from December, 2014

Finding Comfort and Joy...

...Christmas 2014.  Here in Ohio it is a gray and snowless day.  Yesterday the temperature was actually in the 60's.  That is just wrong in so many ways.  Personally, I like snow.   The bitter temperatures of last year can stay with Christmas Past, thank you very much.  But somehow Ohio deserves a better-looking holiday than this.      This has been a year of many transitions in my life.  Without realizing it, I have slipped from Christmas Past and Present into the scary Christmas Future from Dickens' Christmas Carol.  So much change, so much loss.  Whatever seems sad in ones life somehow seems worse at Christmas.  We are supposed to be happy and joyous. That gets tougher as the years fly by in ones life.  And nobody likes change when it violates our comfort zones. But change is inevitable.  If we don't change we stagnate, so let the changes come.  We'll "deal", as a frie...