Little Green Herbs In Pots...

Blooming Hosta ...It is July in Ohio and it is so soggy right now, that I feel I should check myself for moss. Just as the Farmer's Almanac predicted, we have had copious amounts of rain with accompanying thunder and lightning. I like cooler weather, but everyone else I know is grumbling about how cold it has been. As I inspect my little herb garden, many of the tender herbs are turning yellow due to water-logging from all the rain. Perhaps constructing a makeshift awning over things would not be amiss. The upside is that most of my plants are in containers. That makes it possible to move the herbs to better locations for the conditions. Like a giddy little kid I planted some mammoth sunflowers for nearly instant gratification in my petite garden. They are should height with me. I am pretty short so I guess that doesn't make them all that tall, however, am still thrilled at their growth progress. ...