The Year of the Sunflower...

...Their smiling faces were beaming in the summer sun. Sunflowers are everywhere this August in Ohio. I had no idea how much I would enjoy seeing the giant sunflowers when I had planted five simple seeds next to the house. The little kid came out in all of us when I shared the images of my tall flowers with friends around town. Everyone was stunned to see how high the stocks of the giant flowers grew. It is no wonder all the gardening books suggest planting sunflower seeds as a summer gardening project for children. What a thrill for beginning gardeners to enjoy! One friend asked me what special things needed to be done to have such glorious plants. "Very complicated," I told her. "You plant the seeds in the ground , water them, and wait. The sunflowers do the rest." A few days ago a friend brought me a bouquet of the smaller sunflowers from her garden. She ...