Monkey Shines...

...Well, so much for little pots of green herbs for the time being! It looks like Buckeye Chuck was right in his prediction. We seem to be making up for the warm, snowless temperatures here in the Akron area. Chinese New Year brought us snow and bitter cold temperatures. This is the year of the red monkey. Maybe Chuck isn't responsible for our snow and cold, maybe it's the monkey's fault. So, the snow shoveling Olympics won't be cancelled after all. A few weeks ago I noticed a sign indicating that Copley's winter festival was cancelled. Sorry guys, lousy timing on that one! On the other hand, the Medina Ice Festival got the needed cold weather just in time to keep their sculptures in tact. At least things are brighter with all the reflected light from the snow. It would seem I am not the only cold weather enthusiast around. Attending the Ice Festival proved to be a busy and crowded...