Sweet Refuge...

,,,Where did June go? As I took a bit of a hiatus from blogging, suddenly it is July. Once we h it the summer solstice on June 20th, the fourth of July slipped in there before we knew it. Heat and humidity hit Ohio with a vengeance as temperatures hit the high 80's and the 90's. Now that it is July there is very little rain. Browning lawns quietly recede as they give way to every weed known to mankind. After starting my second round of sunflower seedlings we are finally on our way, though slowly, to producing sunflowers. Thanks to my resident groundhog the sunflowers won't be worth much until fall, but that's okay. Better late than never. My solitary coneflower, a.k.a. Echinacea, is tall and blooming this year. I started it from seed last year, but it never got big enough to produce blooms. The good news is that it is blooming, the bad news is that something is eating the petals. I am yet to spy the guilty party, ...