Le Petit Jardin des Herbes...

...I went to my happy place this morning. Le Petit Jardin des Herbes, my little herb garden. The sunflowers were basking in the morning sunlight as the bees danced over the flower heads to seize the day's nectar. September in all its glory with low humidity and mild temperatures! It has been a tortuous summer that made it seem like forever until we in Ohio saw some relief from the horrific heat and humidity. But thankfully September brought hat delicious relief and some much needed rain. Lawns are looking green for the first time in months. Grass no longer crunches under foot as one walks across the yard. Crickets are chirping and gentle breezes stir the trees, shaking the maple seed twirlies to the ground reminding us that it isn't summer anymore. This is the time of year that I especially spend as much time as I can outdoors. If the Farmers Almanac is right, and they usually are, we will see plenty of snow and cold te...