Grasshopper and the Secret of Dirt...
...Half way through February and it finally snowed. We have not had much snow in Ohio this year. There is something not quite right with mid-winter Ohio being devoid of snow. That being said, today was a good day. It snowed. I found myself able to write, to plan for spring gardens, to take I said, all is right with the world... How many of you harvested your sunflowers and dried the petals and seed heads for creating sunflower potpourri? Already I am realizing that I should plant way more sunflowers this spring. Recently I stumbled across a bit of information about the Great Sunflower Project ( that is a worldwide effort to help the bee populations of the world to survive. We need to help them be providing food supply for them by growing sunflowers as well as other nectar producing flowers and herbs in our gardens. Even bumble bees are struggling to survive. The hybridizing of many f...