Hopefully Spring...

...Puddles of liquid sky blue filled thestreet's potholes. High winds dried up those same potholes as the next winter storm was racing our way. It didn't take long for the skies to turn gray with an occasional squirt of sunlight momentarily breaking through the clouds. The last of February was showing us that March was going to prove to be an especially blustery month for us here in Ohio. As we neared the end of February the Magic City was having a bit of trouble battening down the hatches, so to speak, as all sorts of item and trash blew across the city. I watched the neighborhood trash bins travel down the streets until the found a house or fence that gave them a stopping place while the wind continued to gust at 50 miles per houe. It's amazing how noisy wind can be. In spite of the high winds I still managed to contemplate spring gardens and pots of little green herbs. All the outside cats in the neighborhood managed to hunker down ...