Autumn Revelry...

Skeleton Leaf ...A warm, sweet breeze floated through the window as it lightly whispered "September"! Sunshine and fluffy clouds accompanied that welcomed breeze as I drank in the beginning of the fall season. Officially autumn begins on September 23rd this year. Le Petit Jardin needed a bit of fall clean-up as I began preparations of fall gardening chores. It had been a difficult summer to grow much of anything. Our spring in Ohio brought lots of raining the first months of spring which held off the growing season. Getting passed the flooding conditions, the gardens all had a late start and Barberton was no exception. I am convinced that sunflowers would have been wonderful in Le Petit Jardin had it not been for the terrorist groundhog who ate my tender flower starts...twice! Oh well, I will plant again next spring. For now I will satisfy myself with a bouquet of store bought sunflowers and dream of next year. ...