Gossamer and Diamonds...

... The moon was glowing in a muggy haze at its fullest. It was hard not to stare at the ghostly orb, totally mesmerized by its strange pale light. The end of summer was upon us in the Magic City. The autumn equinox declared the official beginning of fall. A few bushes and trees had begun to show a bit of bright color, but it had stayed too hot to actually help the process along. Greenish brown leaves had begun to fall from trees, signs they were showing the stress of the peculiar weather of this summer. Lawn grasses were turning brown and crunching under foot. And yet, somehow Le Petit Jardin managed to produce more than enough herbal treasures for me to still enjoy. Finally the predicted rains came to Barberton, soaking the dry bones ground. Knowing that it was going to rain, I hastily harvested Holy basil from its growing bowl. Sweet basil was begging to be harvested as its flowers waved in...