Colors of autumn ...Today is wet. It is the kind of soggy wet that tends to stay for days. On and off it has rained, keeping one from doing much outside work. This has been a frustrating summer with unbearable heat, little rain, and no real joy of gardening for me. My faithful lavender plant has managed to give me a wonderful yield of aromatic wands, in spite of the brutal weather conditions. I'm afraid Le Petit Jardin has suffered from neglect this season. Finally, there is rain and cooler temperatures, but it is a little late to make much of the garden. Fall is coming much too soon. The weeds are almost insurmountable as I contemplate garden clean-up to shape Le Petit Jardin. Maybe munching a cookie will help the cause... Recently I was asked if I had created any new art. Sadly, I had not. With the miserable heat, accompanied by a temporary foot injury, I was both immobile and discourag...