Lemon-Scented Dreams...

SPRINGTIME TULIPS ... April showers brings May flowers"...It must be so, because we in Barberton are noticing all the flowering trees and spring flowers as we float by on our pontoon boats. That's actually a local joke in reference to how much rain and flooding we have experienced lately. I would begin the spring clean-up of Le Petit Jardin if it would ever stop raining. Meanwhile, I drink more tea while nibbling a cookie as I plan how I will set up this year's gardens. Lots of art projects are bombarding my brain as I stir my gardening mojo during the wet waiting. Lately I have been on a lemon kick since discovering scrumptious non-gluten lemon shortbread cookies. Lemon scented candles have perfumed my abode and I have been using lemon essential oils as my springtime personal fragrance. Watercolor images flood my imagination as I think of herb stores from the past. Those were my happy places years ago. No...