...Today in Ohio it is snowing, again.  It won't stay, or even stack up, but snow nontheless.  Happily, my potted rosemary plants are blooming away, oblivious to the cold and the flurries outside.  Apparently my studio is a good place for my plants.  The pineapple sage has bloomed all winter long, and now one of my geraniums is about to bloom.  It seems the plants know it is time to be spring even if the Ohio weather doesn't know that yet.  On the first really warm day we get I just know that my daffodils will absolutely explode with blossoms.  My precious few tulips are waiting for that same warm day as well.  I have hints of forget-me-nots peeking through the dried leaves and bits of spent mulch in the garden.  The trustworthy tansy is greening up as well.  As for March, it did come in like a lamb, so what did we expect.  The last wintery death throes of March will spit its last snow on us as is turns into April here in Ohio.  Okay, bring it!  Take your best shot, and finish it.  We're ready for spring here, and the plants are rearing to go!


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