Christmas Past/christmas Present...2015

        Was it really half way through December?  Couldn't prove it by me!  There are signs, but Christmas couldn't be that close with it being 70 degrees in Ohio.  People were walking around in shorts and sandals.  I am amused at seeing cut evergreen trees strapped to car roofs while going though fast food drive-thrus.  I am pretty sure sled sales were down this season.  And those ice skates will have to wait awhile, too. I have visions of Santa and his posse of reindeer skateboarding around to get the delivery job done this year. One by-product of all this warm weather is that of copious lighting displays.  Those who would not have gone to the trouble of settee up outdoor holiday lights because it was just too cold, have had a rethink on the subject.  Winter Solstice was December 22nd.  In recent years the snowflake has emerged as the symbol of the solstice.  I have a feeling that if even so much as one snowflake had shown, a resounding cheer of relief would be heard throughout the state. For all those who have been saying their wish the weather could be like this all winter, I say to you, January is coming.  We shall see about that.  the moisture you don't get in the winter will come in over abundance in the spring.  I am not looking forward to rain and flooding.
        In the meantime, more folks have been out walking in the balmy weather.  Walking is always a good thing.  It was delightful to see people walking around Barberton, popping into the small shops that are emerging in the downtown area, and generally bringing life and energy back into the Magic city. From Christmas Past I can remember the days of crowded sidewalks and stores galore with window displays and lots of holiday goodies to beckon to everyone.  Several Santas were strategically scattered around the city to make sure all the baby boomer generation had easy access to Big Red's ear for their Christmas requests. One amusing memory of mine was that of my mother slowly going through a traffic light as it turned red.  "Mom!  You just ran that light!" I gasped.  She claimed that she thought it was part of the holiday lighting decorations.  Okay, Mom, that's your story and you're sticking to it.  Each Christmas I was all to purchase one special ornament to add to our tree.  The first ornament was a blown glass funny little blue bird that was wearing a top hat.  I named him Mr. Woolworth after the store where he was purchased.  By the time I was in high school I remember how one of the stores had employed one of my classmates to be their Santa for that year.  Once all the gals got wind of him being Santa, they all made a point to get in line to sit on his lap to make their holiday requests. I watched from a distance wishing that I was brave enough to get in line, but alas, I had no courage.  His eyes twinkled when he saw me.  "Hey, little girl, aren't you going to come tell Santa what you want for Christmas?"  I turned bright red when he singled me out of the crowd and sputtered something like, "No, that's okay I'm fine, thanks."  I had just blown my big chance of getting a kiss on the cheek from Santa like the other girls. I have never forgiven myself for my cowardice that day...
        So here we are as Christmas Future has become Christmas present. It's a little gray and blah-looking so far.  but if there is one thing I have learned about the holidays it is that they are what you make of them.  Traditions are great, but know that they will change over time.  That's not such a bad thing.  Creating a new tradition can be part of the fun in celebrating the holidays.  Be sure to remember that if it's Christmas you are celebrating, Jesus is still the reason for the season.  Let the countdown to blessing begin...


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