Ho ,Ho, Ho...I Think...

   ...Like a dusting of powdered sugar, snow brightened an otherwise grey day as Christmas time rolled around.  Seemingly no one was ready for it to be Christmas.  Here in Ohio we seem to need snow for it to be time for the approaching holiday.  This year's weather was like no other year.  It was warm and there was no snow.  It's hard to have snow when it's 60 degrees.  But then we had few inches of snow. Ah, now the Christmas shopping could commence.  But that didn't last long.  The temperatures rose, the rain washed away the grungy-looking snow and holiday preparations were put on the back shelf once again.  This was one year that shopping on the internet was a plus.  Who had the energy or inclination to actually go shopping?  Usually I craft my gifts.  This year I was greatly uninspired. I need snow!  As I grow older I get more like my mother about holiday preparations.  She always said she could manage to celebrate after December 25th.  Maybe we could manage Orthodox Christmas which is usually after the new year.  I always reminded her that we weren't Catholic folks, and that kept her moving reluctantly towards the December 25th deadline.  I think I understand why Christmas lost its pizzazz for her.  Her parents, aunts and uncles were all gone.  The people from her childhood and personal celebrations just weren't there anymore.  Christmas was empty for her.  She went through the motions, but it wasn't the same without them.  Now I have arrived at that place in my life when all the people of my Christmas Past are not here anymore.  Though I miss them I have tried to not dwell on their absence during the holidays.  Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Christ, not about receiving a lot of presents.  We were given the greatest present we could ever hope for, Jesus.  He is more than enough.  As for personal traditions, those have had to change.  Without any guilt I manage a bit of gift giving well after the December deadline.  I think of my mother and chuckle as I manage to decorate a tree on Christmas Eve, maybe.  For nearly two weeks I stared at a tree that sat with the top portion leaning at nearly a 45 degree angle.  Did it bother me? Nope.  I even considered putting it away and not even bothering to decorate it this year. But no, Christmas Eve came and I managed to straighten the top part of the tree and to decorate it.  And I am actually glad I did so.  As for personal traditions, those have had to change for better or worse.  I choose to move forward.  Just what do I want from the holiday celebrations anyway?  I have my memories and thoughts.  The people who are here and in my life are the ones to whom I reach out.  As the times go forward, so must I.  The sun is shining, but it is cold. I plan to bundle up and go for a holiday walk in the snow.  And there is candy to make, and I am still crafting a few gifts to be given after the December 25th deadline. Christmas looks pretty good after all. The holiday is what you make it.  I say, "Happy birthday, Jesus!"  And a very Merry Christmas to everyone!...


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