Blindfolding the Groundhog...

...Blue skies and warm breezes dominated the area as Barberton smiled and breathed a momentary sigh of relief from the wintry conditions that had zapped the county. Snow flurries and icy roads had been the order of the day only a few days ago. The temperature now was a balmy 57 degrees that melted all the remnants of snow and ice. Only yesterday we had experienced freezing rain when the temperature hit 32 degrees. Driving was treacherous in the morning. Between all the city crews spreading salt on the roadways and the rising temperature, the roads became ice-free making the afternoon commute much easier to manage. And now I am staring at the greenish grass that has been living under snow and ice. It makes me want to garden. What a cruel trick! By the weekend we will repeat the snow and ice scenario. I shouldn't complain. Here in Barberton we have not been slammed with snow the way the Cleveland and eastern Oh...