Blindfolding the Groundhog...

   ...Blue skies and warm breezes dominated the area as Barberton smiled and breathed a momentary sigh of relief from the wintry conditions that had zapped the county.  Snow flurries and icy roads had been the order of the day only a few days ago.  The temperature now was a balmy 57 degrees that melted all the remnants of snow and ice.  Only yesterday we had experienced freezing rain when the temperature hit 32 degrees.  Driving was treacherous in the morning.  Between all the city crews spreading salt on the roadways and the rising temperature, the roads became ice-free making the afternoon commute much easier to manage.  And now I am staring at the greenish grass that has been living under snow and ice.  It makes me want to garden.  What a cruel trick!  By the weekend we will repeat the snow and ice scenario.  I shouldn't complain.  Here in Barberton we have not been slammed with snow the way the Cleveland and eastern Ohio areas have.  Thank heaven we are not close to Lake Erie!  Lake effect snow is a real bummer.  But then, complaining about the weather is what we do in Ohio.  With the roller coaster ride of temperature we have had, I imagine Punxatawny Phil should be pretty cranky by the time his big day rolls around.
      Good weather or not, writing is still a good thing.  This is the time of year for making plans and resolutions.  I have come to the conclusion that my cross-country skiing days may be behind me.  For several years the weather has not cooperated with snow good enough for skiing.  Either there was no snow or it was so brutally cold that skiing would be hazardous to one's health.  And then there is the added feature to my discontinuing skiing.  All my skiing chums are having knee or hip replacements. Fortunately I have not needed to go into that category.  As a lone skier it is not prudent to ski solo.  That leaves me with walking around town for exercise.  Having noticed my neighbor lady returning from her walk around Lake Anna I am newly inspired. It looks as though I had better get myself walking before the next wave of nasty weather sets in. 
     Other plans for this year will include the garden plans for this spring.  Last year's plans didn't quite come together as I had hoped, but I shall forge ahead as I gather the tubs I had wanted the enlargement of this year's container garden.  Soon I will plant some of the things I want to grow.  So far the plants I brought into my apartment have conked out with the exception of lemon verbena and my bonsaied schefelera plant.  My kitties have nibbled the lemon balm. So much for the notion of lemon balm tea.
      So, fellow gardeners take heart.  Soon the season will be right for pots of little green plants and the joy of gardening will come again.   Until then, make plans and gather tools....and blindfold the groundhog...


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