Winds of spring...

    ...Small tender blades of chive were poking their sturdy heads up in the pot I had left outside all winter.  Reluctantly spring was about to see the first of my herbs come to life after such a strange winter.  The bitter cold hadn't fazed them as they began to grow.  It was time.  I have even seen a dandelion hiding under the gray-green grass tufts that were beginning to green up. Le Petit Jardin was letting me know that it was time for spring attention.  A friend had already helped me by drilling some drainage holes in a metal container that I have planned to use for spring planting.  Hadn't it just snowed a few days ago?  But the good news is that nothing stuck or stacked up.  The ground had unfrozen, so snow was not going to make a difference.  Today was warmer, in the 50's, but gray.  I am still not quite ready to begin my gardening rituals.  My thymes and lavender have not returned to life yet.  I will have to rethink my gardening plans since my downstairs neighbor had his cable company manage to place their satellite dishes smack into where part of my garden would have been.  It looks as though I will have more container gardening on my plate than in-ground planting this year.  The creativity level for the garden just got kicked up a notch...
      As March came in like a lamb instead of a lion, the end of March did not disappoint.  It was blustery and cold as March took its last gasp.  April first was mild, even warm by Ohio standards.  Typical rainy weather helped to resurrect the gray grasses that had endured our wild roller coaster temperature ride of a winter.  Sunny skies have been more frequent as we stroll into the month of April.  I won't count the days, though, as I gaze out of my window on the world.  The promised 70 degrees did materialize without sunshine.  Yesterday my neighbors put me to shame by busying themselves with cleaning out their garages, setting up yard chairs and burn pits, and general yard clean-up.  I am still coming out of hibernation, so I did not do any of that.  I did think a lot about Le Petit Jardin and getting my much loved containers ready for planting.  Inside has been getting the start of spring cleaning for my apartment.  Aside from bulbs, planting is still a week or two away. Now that we have moved passed Easter, let the planting began!
      With sunshine comes the desire to spray paint stuff. That is my happy place, but it is too windy today for that.  Getting all my supplies will be the goal until that magic day of spray painting comes.  The neighborhood grass is greening up and soon the Mad Whacker will once again try to obliterate my lavender plants.  Ah, spring!  The lavenders are still grey and dead-looking, but soon they will come to life. I am eager to get more lavender plants.  One can never have too much lavender.  Maybe I will plant some sunflower seeds today.  The chive isn't big enough to harvest, I am looking forward to breakfasting on scrambled eggs with chive in the near future.  Today may be a fact finding day to see if the local nurseries have received their shipments of herbs yet. I desperately need marjoram!  Ohio is trying to come alive after such a brutal and strange winter.   I am determined to shake off hibernation mode and start getting into gardening groove once again.  Okay, spring, let's get on with it!  And a cup of tea and a cookie couldn't hurt...
Spring Tulips


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