Treasure Bowls...

A bright red light was shining onto my face waking me up much earlier than I had wanted. What was that red light and how did it get there? Fumbling for my glasses, I squinted out of my window and through my neighborhood trees at the bright light. It was definitely red. As the fog in my brain slowly lifted, I realized that the bright light was actually the morning sun. I can't remember ever seeing the sun appearing red like a traffic signal. For many years I was an early morning riser, but not so much in my retirement years. My memories of early morning sun were that of a dark orange orb that grew more golden in hue as the minutes passed. This was a different morning sun than my recollections could handle. In the Twilight Zone of my early morning mind I was questioning whether or not I had simply been transported to another planet. After glancing at the morning sun again and finding that it was now a light g...