A bright red light was shining onto my face waking me up much earlier than I had wanted. What was that red light and how did it get there? Fumbling for my glasses, I squinted out of my window and through my neighborhood trees at the bright light. It was definitely red. As the fog in my brain slowly lifted, I realized that the bright light was actually the morning sun. I can't remember ever seeing the sun appearing red like a traffic signal. For many years I was an early morning riser, but not so much in my retirement years. My memories of early morning sun were that of a dark orange orb that grew more golden in hue as the minutes passed. This was a different morning sun than my recollections could handle. In the Twilight Zone of my early morning mind I was questioning whether or not I had simply been transported to another planet. After glancing at the morning sun again and finding that it was now a light golden color, I comfortably settled into a world I recognized. A gardener's world, yes, and with a plan to harvest, that's the world I know. Though the heat and humidity may be frazzling my brain, Le Petit Jardin will help to stabilize me.
In preparation for harvesting herbs from the garden I began to round up bowls to hold newly harvested herbal bounty along with my garden scissors. Gathering chives, marjoram, chocolate mint, and lavender, I filled the wooden bowls I had carried to the garden for that purpose. While bundling the herbs for drying, I thought about the earthy quality of the wooden bowls I used for harvest gathering. Some of the bowls were special finds I had excitedly purchased over the years. Others were treasures that had been gifted to me. Each bowl had a story, each was precious to me. I could not imagine a more stabilizing force as part of my herb gardening. For some crazy reason over the years I felt compelled to photograph my bowls with their treasures as a reminder of their stories to be contemplated during the the garden's winter nap. Linus had his blanket, I have my bowls and photos of them. The dried herbs, oils, vinegars, pomanders, potpourris, and other herbal crafts are a side product from Le Petit Jardin. Each season has it's fragrances and tastes from the garden. That is the herbal life savored. With fragrances and flavors come the memories attached to them. Hopefully those memories are good ones for you.  |
Breakfast was more like brunch by the time I finished harvesting herbs. After snipping chives small enough to use for cooking, I made an omelet with cheese, ham and chives. Ah, summer! Fresh chives in n omelets and later today there will be chives in my chicken salad. I may even include a bit of freshly cut marjoram as well. Another was to make use of the copious amounts of basil in Le Petit Jardin is to use it on sandwiches made on large croissants with cheese, tomato, and my chicken salad. Definitely summer food to be enjoyed here. A cup of tea will complete my morning repast...too early for a cookie. That will be a reward for later in the day. Summertime...the living my not be easy, but it holds bowlfuls of treasure and rewards... |
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