Signs of the Seasons...

... It is late August and in the otherwise quiet morning, I can hear the noisy rattle of cicadas with an accompaniment of crickets chirping in the background. These familiar summer sounds confirm for me that the world goes on no matter what is happening all around. The occasional dry leaf slowly floats down from neighborhood trees. In spite of the copious rains we have experienced here in the Magic City, things are dry. My father, a woodsman by nature, taught me to observe nature and to read the signs of the seasons it shared. As gardeners, my grandmother and her sisters talked about the signs of the seasons. predicting the next seasons ahead by reading those signs. Is it any wonder I contemplate the seasons ahead by reading nature's signs as I sip my tea or coffee to start my day. I guess I have become the go-to gal for my friends who somehow expect me to knowingly predict the following season's weather. Maybe I shoul...