The Great Adventure...

     ...A cabbage moth flitted lightly around the flowering thyme, stopping now and then, flittering again to another spot on the fragrant herb.  It was a gentle reminder of the warm sunny days of August.  Was it really August already?  Where had the summer gone?  I had more basil than I could manage to harvest and my thyme plants were spilling onto the walkways.  The many rainstorms of the summer had left the herbs growing with wild abandon, making them grow faster than I could manage to harvest.  The various mints in Le Petit Jardin were growing crazily everywhere.  Thank heaven they were growing in containers or I would be strangling from their "Day of the Triffids" growth. This summer season I had managed to include a few red geraniums in pots on my front deck.  Their cherry red blooms have been a happy greeting each time I come home.  As usual I have been late at shaping up Le Petit Jardin.  For all my gardening good intentions, I have not managed to plant any sunflowers.  Even the groundhogs have left the premises.  I suppose I could manage to plant a few seeds in pots to see if there would be any sunflowers blooming before the snows fly in the Magic City.  With the exception of Holy basil, I have been grandly unsuccessful with other herbs starting from seeds.  The Holy basil did not disappoint.  The plants are tall and beautifully fragrant.  Today I   harvested some of the Holy basil along with lemon balm for a tea pot of stress-busting herbal tea.  Hard to believe I have no cookies in my larder, but hot buttered toast with raspberry jam will be delightful enough to enjoy with my tea.   


      Slowly but surely I have spotted a few monarch butterflies  travelling solo on their way to their end-of-the-summer destination  Sitting at a traffic light, I even had a few dragonfly sightings.  Along the roadsides I saw flashes of blue color as I passed chicory growing wildly and largely ignored by the general public.  If only they knew what they were missing...!  
      This is the time of year when my mother and I got the urge to go Christmas idea shopping.  Crafters usually get the urge early to think about holiday gifting, and this is the legacy my mother left with me.  I have been thinking of various gifts from my garden for select few friends.  Lately I have wondered if my friends have grown tired of my specialties.  Were they just being polite when receiving my crafted gifts?
   It is the end of the summer and I can hardly believe it will soon be autumn in all its glory.  Stores are already showing fall and Halloween decorations.  Because I cannot handle seeing Christmas decorations just yet, I have avoided going to the local craft stores.  Like so many people in this country, I am still trying to find  "normal" in my lifestyle.  Once again I return to herb gardening and crafting, and to my photographic artwork.  Those are the two things that have been the constants in my life.  And most of all, there is the Lord.  He keeps my eyes on His creation, letting me know that He is the only real constant.  Life may be different as we enter a new era, but with the Lord leading the way, there is always hope in the great adventure...


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