New Year Tea and Cookies

     ...Here we are i the new year.  Christmas weekend was a rough one this past season.  Barberton virtually disappeared in the blizzard that had the area.  For all the high winds of 40 to 60 mph, we eventually had only 3 inches of snow.  But the subzero temperatures were brutal.  Though many around me lost power for a time, I was blessed to have power through the storm.  It pays to pray!  Only now am I thinking about the garden for this spring.  I know it seems crazy, but we currently have spring rains and temperatures in the mid-60's.  At the moment, the snows are only a memory.  This being Ohio, that could change any moment.  But it is nice to have a respite from the extreme cold...

    Sunshine happily beamed through my windows. letting me know that a bit of earl spring cleaning couldn't hurt.  Nose prints of my three kitties have graced the chosen window spots making the windows almost frosted at first glance.  They are really going to love it when those panes are clear again.  There are so many birds and squirrels to must be ready to view the aerial ballets that will take place.

    Winter is the time to sort through my containers as I decide what will be used this spring and what will be finally trashed. Yesterday, as I walked passed my lavender plant, a whiff of lavender scent unexpectedly wafted into the spring-like air.  The plant is all grey and dead-looking, but I know it is in a state of dormancy as it waits for spring.  "You little trooper!  You never give up," I quipped.  "And neither will I," I told it.  Life lesson...It doesn't matter how ratty looking you are or how old you are.  Even during the times of dormancy in your life, you can still be an encouragement to those around you.  They just don't know that you still have active roots that are expanding and nourishing you as you wait for the

 spring and the time of blossoming.  So, gather your tools and make preparations for the coming springtime.  It will be here sooner than you think.  Think about that over a cookie, a cup of tea, and smile...


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