Celebrating September...
Dried leaves made a rustling sound as the light breeze swirled them across the black-topped parking lot. That was a week ago when I noticed that the leaves were beginning to fall from the trees at my workplace. That was August. Now it's officially September. Where did the summer go? My gardening efforts were minimal due to the torrential rains in the spring, then the horrific heat and humidity that followed once the rains stopped during all of July. By August I had to start over again with my herbs. Now, not only are my replacement basils growing like crazy, but the spindly ones that survived the rains are coming back as well! Go figure! Now my gardening efforts are mainly that of getting the beds ready for this winter and prepping them next year. It has been like fall here in Ohio with warm sunny days and chilly nights. Everyone seems to perk up now that the blistering heat and humidity have ...