Spray Paint and Chainsaws...

     Oh, it's good to see that the weather is shaping up here in Ohio!  Today we are having the kind of wonderful summer day that we should have had all summer.  The humidity is low and it is in the 80's.  Lots of sunshine and blue skies!  Makes a gardener want to go out and dig in the dirt!  Recently I inherited some plants from a friend who couldn't manage to get them planted.  I was with her when she purchased them.  The plants were gorgeous and lush.  At the time, I hoped she would manage to get them planted, but somehow I knew those plants were destined to show up in my garden.  The plants are looking pretty sad at this point, but once they get established in my gardens they should shape up.  As I have said before, I am a late gardener.  My garden areas always look their best in the fall.  This year will be no exception.  But I have a lot to do before the winter snows hit us this year.  Somehow I just feel that is going to happen earlier this year.  If I read my spider webs correctly, we are in for another rough winter.  When the morning dew has been heavy, there were lots of webs spun low in the grass.  All summer I have been sweeping out spider webs both inside and outside.  I can remember my grandmother telling me that was why she put Osage oranges along her basement shelves, to discourage the profusity of spider webs.  I don't ever remember seeing any in her basement even though it was a kind of finished root cellar style of basement.  It must have worked for her.  Now, if I can just find someone who will let me have some of their Osage oranges!  After the Osage oranges dried up, grandma used to spray paint them gold to use in flower arrangements and to decorate with sitting them in some special bowl that would show off their gnarly textures.  If Grandma was the spray painting queen, then I am the next in that royal line to step in with a can or two of my own!  You'll never know how frustrated I've been all summer with all the rain we have had.  It made it too humid to paint much of anything.  But now, ah!  I have lots of painting projects to catch up with!  And there are all those squirrel-planted trees that have to be cut down, too.  Today I am going to be reving up my chainsaw to get going on that project.  Spray paint and chainsaws...I'm a happy camper...or gardener!  Now, if I can just locate some Osage oranges....


  1. Hey Wendy how are ya? We could use some of that rain you folks are getting send some our way please.


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