Winter Projects...Operation Organization, Maybe....

   ...January, and finally we have a bit of snow here in Ohio.  I hope to ski tomorrow before the snow melts down again.  In an El Nino year that is tough to accomplish.  And so, when you can't enjoy the white stuff outside, just what does one do?  After the holidays I find myself just wanting to sit on the couch with the cat until about April, but I refuse to succumb to that all too easy mindset.  I need to post a big sign that can be read from the couch that says, "No Potatoes Here!"  Think that would do it?  One can only hope!  At any rate, what I am really doing is pressing forward with all my creative projects.  I continue to work on bits of my book projects, later switching over to photographic projects.  Hopping over to those sparkley jewelry projects catches my interest.  Fabric and buttons start to intrigue me.  Do I have all my stuff together to do some silver clay projects?  A bit of dried herbs catch my interest, so I throw a few handfuls together to create a potpourri blend.  That took all of 5 minutes of my time.  I switch over to organizing my dried herbs in baggies.  Gosh, all my herb and gardening books could stand to be put back onto their prospective shelves.  Wonder where the vaccum cleaner is...the stillroom floor could stand to be swept.  Guess I should pack up and put away all that stuff I dragged out for the holidays. 
     What is it about the beginning of the new year that makes us want to wipe the slate clean and start anew?  I just get tired of looking at the messes I manage to accumulate in my flurry of creativity.  During the winter I seem to lack focus.  Need more gingko!  Focus, Wendy, focus!  Lists seem to help me.  I need to see stuff in black and white sometimes.  Making lists also helps me to sort out what is actually worth my time and energy and just what needs to be eliminated.  But then, I noticed that I am acculating lists.  Oh, no!  In an effort to organize my lists I attached them to a clipboard.  Clipboards!  Whenever I see someone with a clipboard I am reminded of a time when I was working a job where some of the employees were adults in a work program that placed mentally challenged workers.  One worker in particular was given a clipboard with blank papers attached to it, and he walked around all day writing and drawing on the paper while looking over other workers' shoulders as they did their jobs.  At the end of the day he handed in his papers and they were thrown away by the management.  But the clipboard made him feel important.  I get that.  My clipboard makes me feel that I have accomplished something even when I haven't really done so.  I also get a chuckle out of that one when I wonder what side of the clipboard I am really on.  That thought spurs me to actually finish at least one of the things on those blasted lists.  Check, check!  Ah, the power!  I feel the creative surge, again!  Uh oh...this could be dangerous.  That's what started the whole problem in the first place.  Oh yes, I am starting to feel like a hamster in a creative wheel...with a clipboard!  Help me, somebody!  ...Maybe being a couch potato isn't so bad after all...


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