
Showing posts from February, 2012

HerbnArts: Tea Zen...

HerbnArts: Tea Zen... : Another moody, broody day in Ohio. Surviving the dreary, wet days here takes some creativity on the part of those of us who suffer from...

Tea Zen...

    Another moody, broody day in Ohio.  Surviving the dreary, wet days here takes some creativity on the part of those of us who suffer from SAD (seasonal effective disorder).  During such seasons tea becomes a magic elixir of warm comfort that helps to carry me through the le heure blue of winter.  (Le heure blue is the time after sunset when the overall lighting renders everything a dark blue before the darkness of night sets in.)  The good news about snow is that it reflects light and, at least for a while, it turns the world into a lacy, bright fairyland.  Even the night is lighten with a covering of snow.  Sorry, but we don't have much of that this year.  Everything is wet, muddy, and cold, though not freezing.  The soggy dreariness takes its toll on everyone. Nearly everyone you talk to is grouchy and negative, which is a clear symptom of SAD.  Tea and candles become necessary tools of survival.  Having a bit of choc...

HerbnArts: Indoor Projects...

HerbnArts: Indoor Projects... : Okay, we have had such a weird winter here in Ohio. On February first the sun was shining beautifully. After checking up on Punxitawne...

Indoor Projects...

    Okay, we have had such a weird winter here in Ohio.  On February first the sun was shining beautifully.  After checking up on Punxitawney Phil's prediction on the second,  looks as though the weirdness will continue for six more weeks. It was overcast here in Ohio.  I'd have thought there wouldn't have been any problems with shadows.  Today we are having the craziest snow/slop wetness dropping from our grey skies.  Go figure!  Can't ski in it, walking is wet and sloppy, and it's just plain dreary.  So, that usually makes me turn to indoor activities.  I've been strangely energized on my many creative projects.  The books I've been working on seem to be talking to me.  Probably due to being forced to stay indoors I am thinking strongly about the spring gardens.  As I watered the plants I had brought indoors for the winter I realized how much I enjoy the treat of their mid-winter blooms.  Th...