Indoor Projects...

    Okay, we have had such a weird winter here in Ohio.  On February first the sun was shining beautifully.  After checking up on Punxitawney Phil's prediction on the second,  looks as though the weirdness will continue for six more weeks. It was overcast here in Ohio.  I'd have thought there wouldn't have been any problems with shadows.  Today we are having the craziest snow/slop wetness dropping from our grey skies.  Go figure!  Can't ski in it, walking is wet and sloppy, and it's just plain dreary.  So, that usually makes me turn to indoor activities.  I've been strangely energized on my many creative projects.  The books I've been working on seem to be talking to me.  Probably due to being forced to stay indoors I am thinking strongly about the spring gardens.  As I watered the plants I had brought indoors for the winter I realized how much I enjoy the treat of their mid-winter blooms.  The pineapple sage is blooming, and its bright red blossoms look so sweet in a small bottle of water.  My crazy lavender is blooming.  I usually have a problem hanging onto marjoram during the winter.  But this year, I've had it growing in a pot on my back porch.  I would have expected it to be too cold for it, but there it is, getting leggy, but wonderful.  I have another pot of pennyroyal growing beside the marjoram.  What really surprises me is the chervil that is growing so nicely in a pot on that same cold porch.  I really thought it was more delicate than that, but it is delightfully lacy and stretching toward the light as it continues to grow.  I have to admit that I don't really use chervil in any of my cooking, but I should probably start.  Usually I just keep pots of it around because I like the lacy ferny look it has.  And it has such a nice "green" fragrance when it's handled.  My scented geraniums are always wonderful to handle.  They have grown so leggy that I think I'd better do a bit of harvesting to keep them from taking over and blocking the light for all my other indoor plants.  With that thought, I was inspired to make my herbal carpet freshener that calls for scented geranium leaves as part of the ingredients.  All those lovely fragrances!  That sure can brighten any day whether it's raining or snowing or whatever this stuff is in Ohio!  
     Here's the recipe for the carpet freshener.  Use one part dried, ground scented geranium leaves, one part dried, ground pennyroyal to two parts baking soda.  Blend together adding several drops of rose and lavender oils.  Sprinkle generously onto carpets.  Let stand for 15 minutes.  Vacuum the carpet.  The whole room will be fresher smelling.  Fleas and flies do not like lavender and the pennyroyal will help to kill flea eggs that may be in the carpet seasonally. Any left over freshener may be stored in an air-tight container for later use. This combo discourages moths also.  Please note that if using pennyroyal oil, keep it away from any people or animals that may be pregnant as it may be toxic in its concentrated form.  After all, it does kill off moth and flea larvae.  The few drops used in the carpet freshener shouldn't be toxic enough to harm people, but better to be safe than sorry.  If you are simply freshening your carpets leave out the pennyroyal and there should be no problems. 


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