Reflections on the Hurricane...

      Cold and wet, the day is brutally different from a few days ago when we were experiencing balmy, sunny days here in Ohio.  The effects of hurricane Sandy can be felt in the Akron area.  Spread like a wet, golden carpet on the soggy ground the leaves make their last display of the season.  In a sense, the party is over. Had it not been for the hurricane effects we might have had a week or two left of the autunmal Mardi Gras of color.  But the trees are being brutally denuded as I watch from my windows.  Even Halloween may have to be posponed due to terrible weather.  Oh well, it's not like cancelling Christmas, so we'll deal with it.  Even my sacred spot has been violated.  The leafy cocoon that housed my bistro table and chair looks cold and wet and exposed to the world.  I doubt that I will sit there again this season to enjoy a Zen moment. I knew that the season for the sacred spot would be brief, just not so brief.  Time to consider a sacred spot location indoors.  I'm so glad that I pushed aside everything I could to be outside in the sunlight and color and warm breezes while I could.  All this harsh change is on the heels of Halloween...a nasty Halloween trick, indeed. As long as it doesn't snow just yet, I'm good.
      As I curl up on the couch with my kitties I am grateful to not be living in the states that are experiencing the brunt of the hurrican's fury.  My prayers and thoughts are for the people affected more directly by the storm than I am.  Knowing that many will be without electrical power for quite a while I am grateful for the gas and electrical services that are still functioning to keep me warm and safe.  Many other prayers are for the first responders who keep everyone as safe as they can during the emergency.  Pray that there aren't too many "dummies" who feel they just "have to" go out in the storm doing dumb stuff that both endangers them and those who will have to risk their safety in attempts to rescue them.  What is it all about with those of us who feel we have to demonstrate our "toughness" by riding out a dangerous situation when we have been warned to evacuate for our own safety?  It's not toughness being demonstrated, but that of selfishness and willful attitude toward authority.  I will never forget the example of the man who would not evacuate his home when Mount St. Helena erupted.  He died where he stayed.  His stubborness was his epitaph.  Come on, now, do you really want to be remembered for your stupidity?  If you want your 15 minutes of fame try doing something that will benefit humanity.  Real heroes do what they do because it is the thing that is needed at the time.  They don't act in a situation to become famous.  So be smart.  Heed the warnings of impending emergency situations, prepare the best you can, and pack up and leave it you need to.  It is the beginning of a season that will bring more emergency situations I am sure.  We live in snow country here in Ohio.  We know how to hunker down and ride it out if we have to.  Winter is coming.  So we'll deal...In the meantime, keep baling, and tie down anything that could end up flying to the next county...


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