Coming Out of The Cave...

...April showers bring May flowers...As I looked down at the bricks of the walkway by my kitchen door, I spotted an independent chervil plant growing in triumph over its surrounding conditions.   Must transplant that little trooper!  It had gotten warm enough that I took some of my housebound herb plants to stay outdoors finally.  I was sure that it was finally spring as I found myself wanting to paint something.  After seeing a special aqua-colored cachet pot on the cover of a gardening magazine, I decided to paint one of my terra cotta pots with the yummy aqua paint I "just happened" to have on hand.  Does that surprise any of us?
    And now, as part of my spring rituals I must buy a few potted herbs to start off the season.  a day of scrubbing up well-seasoned terra cotta pots in preparation of new plants is due.  Gathering and organizing my plant markers and potting soil is part of the ritual tasks at hand.  It hass gotten warm enough to once again place my bistro tables and chairs at the walkway near my kitchen door in anticipation of breakfasting outdoor on the newly warm mornings as springtime unfolds.  finally, the hibernation fog is lifting from my brain...
   Even befor the first spring showers began, I realized that weeds were already ahead of the game.  Dreaded Bishop's weed had begun to pop its first sprouts.  With today's rains I dread seeing how tall they will grow by tomorrow.  The only thing seemingly more invasive to my front gardem areas would be bamboo or kudzu.  Thank God I never planteed any of those two plants!  I've had nightmares of the Bishop's weed turning into kudzu and taking over my whole gardens and covering the whole house!  No stress there!...
    and then there is art...with spring comes the due dates of the various shows that will be soon upon us.  This is a uear that I find myself stepping into other types of artwork.  for many years I have been a photographer and had shown only that type of work at the shows.  But this year may see me entering other kinds of work.  I have been working on hand-crafted books, and am currintly exploring mised media creations consisting of paper and other bits and  pieces of found items to create visual abstract pieces of expression. I like textire and color, so much of what I concoct will be my impressionistic responses to those materials.  At any rate, this is new territoru for me when it comes to pieces I feel confidinet enough to enter into shows.  I'll be sure to share those creations as I manage them...
    So there it is, my rituals of spring, the renewal of herbs and art in my life here at Johnson House.  Let the rituals begin!


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