The Great Summer Gardening Adventure

      ...Now that it is passed Memorial Day, officially summer has begun.  Typically here in northeaster Ohio the weather was cold and wet, then hot and muggy.  All of this variance took place in a 24 hour period of time.  Ah, summer...!  Just when we thought it would warm up, the bottom dropped out and we saw 40 degree temperatures at night again.  And the rains came to create a miserable start to the summer.  Everyone I talked to was grumbling about the lousy weather and asked the question of whether it would ever straighten up and stop being wet and cold.  But the last several days have given us warmer temperatures in the cool low 70's with today being a bit drier for a pleasant change.
      Due to an abundance of rain all my newly potted herbs are already in need of re-potting.  The magic elixir of rain water has caused my herbs to virtually explode out of their current containers.  One of my favorite tasks is that of repotting herb plants into larger containers.  Being able to surround myself with the lacy blossoming thyme and handling  fragrant rosemary and basil plants is the best vacation from a busy world I could ever hope for.  O, let me live in this happy place for a while longer...   Was this where my great grandmother found her private moments of joy?  I suspect so...
       With all the fragrant pots of herbs and the flowering borders around Johnson House I just want to move outside.  Creating "rooms" in the gardens is one of my gardening passions.  Just like my grandmother Jesse, I find myself dragging home old, discarded furniture pieces to refinish and re-purpose for the g rden.  Recently a friend expressed an interest in having an old chair that had the seat planted with flowers that she had had seen at a local garden store.  The planted chair was quite pricey, so the two of us have set out with a summer goal of finding just the right chair that she could plant and place in her garden.  This is the year of the "rethink" as far as garden design for both of us.  Container gardening is becoming more appealing to both my friend and me as we age.  The backs and knees  won't take the punishment anymore that gardening tasks exact.  Though raised beds av a certain amount of appeal, I am all for getting containers up at a level where I no longer have to bend in half to "fiddle" with my plants.  Vertical gardening designs are a really nice and fresh approach to changing one's idea of a garden.  I really like the look of whole panels along a wall or fence planted with all sorts of textures and colors of planting materials.  And watering is a breeze.  One can even get so creative as to include a drip system build into the framing of the vertical garden panel.  Wow, I can hardly wait to get started on creating outdoor garden rooms with glorious green panels for the ultimate garden experience.  I have a chair that I am planting and soon I will have a panel that I can plant and hang.  It would seem I am already n my way to that garden room of the summer.  When it is finished, tea will definitely be served in the garden... 


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