Nietzsche's World...

     ...There are just some things that are going to be maddening in life, and they are usually little stuff rather than world-shattering conundrums.  Point in case...opening a food package that is re-sealable.  Does anyone else need pliers to open the darn things, or is that just my ineptitude creating this problem?  I refer specifically to re-sealable cheese packages.  It's not that I don't appreciate the fact that the cheese is well-sealed, keeping it from drying out. Following the package opening instructions is simple enough, up to a point.  Once the special tear line has been properly torn away, that is when I run into problems.  There doesn't seem to be enough area for me to get a proper grip to be able to make the separation of the seal.  I have had to resort to using pliers to get a grip on the packaging to be able to actually open the cheese package.  I never fail to feel like an idiot whenever I attempt to open a new package of cheese.  Thank heaven no one is around to video tape me struggling to get into the cheese package , only to surrender to using pliers to achieve success.  Catching me on YouTube opening a cheese package with pliers would be mortifying.  Many years ago I remember watching a friend who was a mentally challenged person trying to seal a zip-lock style storage bag.  It was beyond her capabilities.  And yes, I did help her when I saw that she could not accomplish this seemingly simple task.  She hadn't had any problem opening the storage bag.  I am a college graduate, for Pete sake!  I should be able to do this for myself!  Or is that my handicap, the fact that I went to college and am now rendered inept for real-life situations?  Perhaps that is why God in His infinite wisdom saw to it that my friend and I got together in life.  She could open packages and I could re-seal them when we were done making our cheese sandwiches...
      Nietzsche is the one who said that what doesn't destroy us, makes us stronger.  He may have chosen to stop eating cheese.  But then, in his day there were no re-sealable packages to challenge the psyche.  That's okay, real thanks goes to whoever invented pliers so that I can have my cheese and eat it, too!...


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