...April showers bring May flowers...As I looked down at the bricks of the walkway of my kitchen doo, I spotted an independent chervil plant growing in triumph over its surrounding conditions. Must transplant that little trooper! It had goten warm enough that I took some of my hoisebound herb plants to stay outdoors finally. I was sure that it was finally spring as I found myself wanting to paint something. After seeing a special aqua-colored cache pot on the cover of a gardening magazine, I decided to paint one of my terra cotta pots with the yummy aqua paint I "just happened" to have on hand. Does that surprise any of us?
Sacred Space and the Wooly Bear Caterpiller...
...Stepping into October, I have been outdoors as much as weather will permit. This weekend has been absolutely gorgeous with cool temps and warm sun, breezy with lots of blue skies with playful clouds that provide plenty of room for the imagination to make fun creations from the fluffy forms. I love Ohio in the fall. How did I spend the weekend? Art shows and outdoor festivals were my cup of tea. To no avail I tried to get various friends to join me. Don't they get it, it's time to play outside before the cold and wet and snows drive everyone inside for the winter. I saw a wooly bear caterpillar in my garden by the walkway. For those who know how to read their wooly bears, the body was tipped with black while the main center body was reddish brown. So goes the 2012 winter prognostication! My best reward of the day was when I noticed a little spot in my...
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