Lions Versus Leprechauns...

...March has come in like a lion here in Ohio.  We have cold temps and more snow than any of us had hoped for.  All you people who wished for a white Christmas, knock it off!  Beware what you wish for at Christmas time.  You may not get it until spades.
      March is the month that all northern gardeners start feeling spring tugging at our hearts.  For better than a month now I have been dragging out all my gardening books and designing container gardens for the impending spring of 2015. Yesterday I found myself slowly turning a corner in a grocery store as I longingly spotted the new seed packet display.  Visions of pots of little green herbs keep creeping into my mind as I peer out of the window.  I am torn between the joy of snow left over from childhood and the promise of the spring gardening rituals that will begin only a few weeks away...I hope.  It has been a rough winter with record-setting subzero temperatures and copious amounts of snow.  For the most part it has been way too cold to play in the snow this winter, so let's just move on to warmer times.  Gosh, we should have seen the double whammy of the groundhog's curse coming when Punxatawny Phil actually bit the mayor of Punxatawny.  Not a good omen as to what to expect for the rest of the winter.  It would appear that spring will come scratching and clawing to make its way to Ohio.  Phil saw it coming and highly resenting his hibernation mode being interrupted.  I am tired of the snow shoveling Olympics.  Give the gold to someone else.  I just want to go for the green in the garden.  Even the leprechauns of St. Patrick's day may have to mush in on dogsleds for their green beer and the pots of gold that are most likely buried in two feet of snow.  Spring will come eventually to Ohio no matter what it looks like right now.  The mountainous piles of snowplowed ice and snow will melt, though that may not actually happen until the middle of July.  But this is Ohio we're talking about.  As I stare out of the window at two feet of snow I have been listening to the weather prediction for tomorrow.  It will be much warmer with a mix of snow and rain, ending in just rain.  By mid-week we will have over 40 degrees in temperature.  As we always say here in Ohio, if you don't like the weather, just wait 5 minutes.  It will change. Variety and flexibility, that's what we're all about.  At this point I am just wondering how March's lamb will arrive, by dogsled or raft?...


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