Circus Magicus...

      ...Sitting in awe, I watched the various critters in my scruffy neighborhood from my window as I ate amid-morning breakfast.  "This place is a circus and here I sit with a private showing of the entertainment!" I thought.  My house kitties were thoroughly entranced by the fluttering ballet in the air as chickadees were building a nest in the Direct TV dish attached to the house.  From another window the synchronized leaping of young squirrels could be observed as they traversed the neighbor's backyard fence with its prominent posts.  Peering out the front window, wild cats could be observed jumping in and out of a neighbor's window as they lined up for their morning feeding. After feeding , the cats jumped and tumbled with each other.  Some did a surprise leap from piles of fall leaves to attack and tumble with another cat.  From my kitchen window I watched the clown act of Burt the groundhog as he lumbered along the yard, stopping to scratch behind his ear, then run awkwardly as if someone was chasing him.  And now for your entertainment pleasure I direct your attention to the dual team of Handy-man Incorporated with their synchronistic lawn mowing demonstration.  Simultaneously Handy-man will delight you with his blusterific leaf-blowing talents.  But the greatest act to watch was that of the Great Squirrelzini.  "See Squirrelzini as he races along
he high wires in the whole neighborhood, working entirely without a net.  Be amazed as he runs from house to house, even daring to cross the busy streets at breakneck speed and accuracy to astound and amaze the crowds below!"  Even the neighbor's dog Leo did not distract Squirrelzini as he performed his juggling act of tossing his stuffed toys into the air while barking and racing around his fenced yard.  And Squirrelzini did his act while carrying a nut nearly the size of his head in his mouth.  Now that is truly amazing.  Circus Magicus at its best!
     All this fun reminds me that just as the Ringling Brothers' circus, it is the end of the circus  season here in Ohio.  soon the "Winter Olympics of Barberton" will begin with the first snows of the season.  So far, today it is beautifully sunny and snow-free.  Not bad for Thanksgiving here in Ohio.  At the very least we should be thankful for that.  My pineapple sage has bloomed indoors after being outside all summer.  Go figure that!  But I am grateful.  The yard has been mowed one more time before the snows hit.  I am thankful for that.  The young squirrels are chasing each other in circles around the teees at a dizzing speed.  No doubt they are in training to become the next generation of Squirrelzinis.  And the circus continues...


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