Got String?

      ...Shadows on the snow...Sunshine and snow...So far this is the offering  for our late February and early March here in Ohio. Winter has come lately to us.  Fortunately it has not been brutal compared to even a year ago. Oh well, if you aren't happy with today's weather, as the saying goes, just wait an hour for something different. We have experienced some pretty high winds, but compared to other parts of the country with their high tornado activity, we simply enjoy the gusting and dream of kites to fly as it warms up eventually.  I for one have always been exhilarated by windy weather, though I realize it can mean power outages.  March is nearly upon us and with it comes that windy weather.  Warm days and steady breezes are what I am looking for kite flying.  It will come.  Meanwhile, I will have plenty of time to make that all important kite design selection...
        I have a question...What is it with all the  old furniture sitting on curbs everywhere?  Did everyone hit the President's Day sales at the furniture stores causing them to  kick their old furniture to the curb, or is it an open invitation for people to stop and have a seat as a friendly neighborhood gesture?  Some of the pieces are snow-covered, so that may discourage a sit-down.  My favorite couch reject was sitting next to a local railroad track, brightly flowered and snow covered.  All I could think of was the saying, "Fine art won't match your couch."  I will put that image with accompanying saying on a t-shirt soon.  Another favorite reject is a console television I spotted behind a defunct second-hand store.  Howdy Doody fans rejoice and remember the 50's black and white fun. One rejected easy chair was appropriately placed at a local bus stop.  Too funny!  But we have a quirky sense of humor here in Barberton.  And with all the rejected furniture the Magic City does a slow magic trick of "now you see me, now you don't!...
        As March approaches, it will be interesting to see if it comes in like a lion or a lamb.  Which ever it is , all I care about for the moment is whether or  not the winds will favor kite flying...Got string?....


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