Le Petit Jardin

     ...April showers have proven to be the joke for the beginning of the month. One moment it is sunny and dry, the next there is a cloud burst that would make Noah' s knees knock together for fear of a reprise of the last big rain.  The great greening is underway here in Barberton.   All the dead winter grass is giving way to a fresher appearance as emerald green returns to local landscapes.  I have been inspecting Le Petit Jardin for signs of herb life.  So far my chives are perking up and the anise hyssop is in the lead as they get bigger by the day. Ever faithful thyme is filling out as it gains color.  The lavender is showing modest signs of life from its winter grey dry stick phase. Meanwhile, inside my kitchen my little seedlings are rapidly becoming plants that will soon be hearty enough to replant into their own pots. So far, I have fennel, marjoram,  chervil, and catnip starting up. I'm not sure why the lemon balm didn't make a go of it, but I will sow more seeds to make sure I have that lemony favorite for my garden this year. 
     It is rejuvenating to begin the gardening season once again.  Though it is not quite time to start designing this year's garden areas, I am already clearing out weeds and moving decorative rocks to gain a few more precious inches of growing area for new flowers and herbs.   Freshly cut flowers are always a plus during the summer months when everything is blooming.   I love bringing the garden into my living space.  It feeds my soul. In a way,  I guess I begin to bloom on the inside, too. Having some flowers to make as delightful element of change in my herb garden will be a good thing.  This year's goal is to help out the  pollinators and to give them a wonderful refuge  with watering stations andd sweet nectar flowers for  their  nurturing.  At the moment I am gathering more  materials for the garden.  Lots and lots of pitting soil will be necessary to keep the spring plantings running along smoothly.   Gathering as many containers as I can manage is also under way. I may be sneaking in a bit of spinach and lettuce into Le Petit Jardin for trading with a friend who seems to be far more successful at growing tomatoes than I am.  A few strawberries may find their way into my container garden as well.  I do hope this summer won't be so brutally hot this year. It would be nice to be able to dine outdoor in Le Petit Jardin. 
     The flowering trees in Akron have begun their dazzling array all over the city.  As I drove around Akron I realized that forsythia is blooming in the city and along the highways.  In the meantime,  April showers bring May flowers...and maybe a pontoon boat or two if the current rains are any indication of what to expect. At any rate, the sunshine will soon be here and Le Petit Petit Jardin says "Bring it on!"...


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