Looking at the Pluses...
...A warm breeze shuffled dry leaves along the street. It has been painfully dry here in Ohio. For all the rain around us, Barberton has remained dry enough to keep all the lawns brown with only weeds flourishing in the heat. Along with the heat came the brutal humidity for the August in Ohio. Such conditions seem to be taunting us here in the Magic City. Even so, I managed to harvest a wooden bowlful of herbs from my container garden. That is the plus to raising herbs. Many of them prefer dry conditions. Having watered them through these dry times they have prepaid me with their green herby fragrance and bountiful leafy harvest. I never did get the sunflowers to grow this year. I really miss not having any to harvest for petals and seeds. This year I will have no flower heads to put out for the squirrels and birds. And there will be no sunflower potpourri this season. One thing that has thrived ...