Looking at the Pluses...

    ...A warm breeze shuffled dry leaves along the street.  It has been painfully dry here in Ohio.  For all the rain around us, Barberton has remained dry enough to keep all the lawns brown with only weeds flourishing in the heat.  Along with the heat came the brutal humidity for the August in Ohio.  Such conditions seem to be taunting us here in the Magic City.  Even so, I managed to harvest a wooden bowlful of herbs from my container garden.  That is the plus to raising herbs.  Many of them prefer dry conditions.  Having watered them through these dry times they have prepaid me with their green herby fragrance and bountiful leafy harvest.  I never did get the sunflowers to grow this year.  I really miss not having any to harvest for petals and seeds.  This year I will have no flower heads to put out for the squirrels and birds.  And there will be no sunflower potpourri this season.  One thing that has thrived is Sweet Annie.  Le Petit Jardin has produced a bumper crop this year.  It looks as though there will be plenty of material for fall wreaths.  One must count the pluses when it comes to gardening.
    Diligently I have tried to keep all the outside water dishes filled.  All critters deserve a drink of water.  I may not feed the local stray cat population, but I do see that they can find a bit of water to drink in this heat.  Yesterday I noticed a squirrel getting a drink at one of my dishes.  There is a stray calico cat and a groundhog that sneak a drink.  The birds look for water, too. I will be putting out more dishes to help them as well.
     With the dry conditions here in Barberton I think we will see fall changes in the landscape sooner than usual this year.  Already spider webs are everywhere and they are thicker than usual.  That is usually a forecast of a tough winter on its way.  Already I am beginning to store gardening things I so diligently dragged out for use.  Fall is here.  In spite of the Mad Whacker I managed to hang onto some anise hyssop in Le Petit Jardin.  I had way too much last year. It looks as though I will have just enough for wreaths, tea, and maybe a little left over for cough syrup if needed. This year I included some bronze fennel in Le Petit Jardin that seems to be thriving.  I am looking forward to harvesting both seeds and bulbs from those feathery plants.  My Holy Basil is only now growing enough for a modest harvest for tea.  It was not a great year for my basils.  I count myself fortunate to have any Holy Basil at all.   But pluses are pluses, and I intend to appreciate anything that managed to grow in Le Petit Jardin this season. Thyme and lavender seemed to thrive during this dry summer.  Sometimes less is more. I have to constantly remind myself of that. Nature makes the call each year as to what will grow each year and what will not thrive.  It is up to us gardeners to go with the flow each season.  So, I am looking at the pluses and making the most of them.  The proverbial glass is half full and there is definitely something wet in it.  That is a positive plus in my eyes.  Already I am anticipating holiday crafting and gifts from that little garden of mine.  Less rain usually means more intense fragrance and flavor in the herbs.  Cider will be good this year as apple crops will be more intense due to less rain.  You see, the pluses are everywhere...


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