The Big Snow...

...December had seen a snowless Christmas for Ohio.  Somehow the holidays were in a "so what" mode in 2018.  It just didn't feel like Christmas . The New Year celebrations were much the same. Everyone went through the motions, but it wasn't worth getting excited about.  Here, it rained.  The good news was that none of the usual gun fire from the local rednecks happened.  But now it was changing. The big winter storm finally hit Ohio with all its fury.  It began to snow, and it snowed, and it kept on snowing.  At this writing an icy 12 to 15 inches of the frigid accumulation stacked up.  I burrowed my way out to my SUV to clear off the wonderful white stuff and to hopefully start up the engine.  Turning over with its usual ease the engine was purring as I managed to clear away some space around my car.  Thinking about the outdoor kitties who may have sought refuge from the storm in my garage, I shoveled out a small place where they usually sneak in. I don't put my vehicle into the garage because it is half full of stuff that was stored and left by past tenants of my apartment. Oh well...  
      Even though the sun had begun to shine, a brisk wind was kicking up. I was glad I had kept my ski mittens and wool socks.  But that was enough shoveling for today.  Even though it was great to see the sunlight, it did not help the cold situation. Tonight would be brutally cold dropping to sub-zero temperatures.  Tomorrow I will have to do some serious shoveling of the driveway.  I am not looking forward to that icy exercise.  Ah, yes!  Winter in Ohio! Just like the "good old days"...
     Deep inside me lurks the snow bunny who wants to go play in the white stuff and frolic with the flakes.  On the outside of myself lives this cranky curmudgeon who has to shovel the snow out of her own driveway and is nearly frozen for her labors.  I no longer have anyone in my life with whom I can cross country ski, and I am not so sure I can manage the aerobic workout anymore either. At least my final ski days are not because of hip or knee replacements like my ski buddies from the past.  I still love snow, just not being outside in the sub-zero temperatures.  Beautiful as it is, the severe cold will destroy camera equipment, so there will be no capturing that beauty except from a window inside my warm apartment.  Maybe another nap is in order...that and some hot chocolate...


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