Restoration Through Garden Therapy...

     ....As the rollercoaster ride of temperatures here in Ohio continues, today we have cool and wet conditions.  At least it isn't snow.  We did end out April with some snow, but we seem to be passed that.  All the wetness is causing all the grass to grow as if it was on steroids.  My yard is sporting dandelions that should be Japanese horror film stars.  But for herb people that's a good thing, right?  All kinds of teas, salads, infusions and salves are just begging to be concocted.  The blooming lilacs were inviting me to make infused honey.  I diligently cut as many blossoms as I could manage as I knew it would snow overnight.  And of course I was nearly out of honey, so that meant I would need to add honey to my grocery list.  The snows came and went.  Surviving a covering of snow, the lilac bush seemed none the worse for the white covering.  But the blossoms had very little noticeable fragrance.  So much for lilac infused honey!     

        On the day after National Herb Day I treated myself to my first plant purchases of the year.  Mostly it was too cold for most herb plants, but I did manage to find a sizeable basil plant to start my gardening efforts.  For a bit of color I also bought some bright red geraniums.  Soon I will bring out my artificial wreath with its red geraniums to create a bit of cheery color at my door.  Loving the happy atmosphere that red geraniums to create for me, it seems appropriate to bring my geranium china out of storage.  The past year has been a rough one for most people.  Le Petite Jardin will help restore me to my happy place I am sure.  Gardening can do that for a person.  A cup of tea and a cookie couldn't hurt, too.                                                                                                                                                        Snow on Mother's Day was hard to believe as I watched large wet stuff begin to overtake the cold rain pelting against my windows.  I couldn't garden, taking flowers to the cemetery was out of the question, and even the Squirrelzinis were hiding from the nasty cold wet weather.  I had to switch my mind to more garden planning.  My plan for raising the area for sunflowers in pots is coming together.   After speaking to a local pet food store I found that I could have palettes for free.  Today is the day I hope to get the palettes to begin my raised defense against the neighborhood groundhog. Le Petit Jardin will have a very different look this year.  Now we will see who wins the war of Groundhog vs. Sunflowers!

      The return to my happy place has begun.  Le Petit Jardin is starting to shape up now that the late spring frost warnings are easing up here in Ohio.  Having potted the new geraniums into larger containers, the garden area is beginning to look more like a garden.  Soon it will be time for tea and a cookie.  Let the good times roll!... 



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