Hens & chicks jumping out of a broken pot

 ...Riding the weather rollercoaster here in Ohio is never dull.  We have had heavy rain with high winds and cold temperatures.  Now we are experiencing hot, dry days of 86 degrees.  All the trees are spouting leaves and the bulbs are proudly displaying their brilliant blooms.  Everyone's lawns are greening up, and the first sounds of lawnmowers has filled the air.  Inspiration for art is everywhere.  My neighbor's tree has always made me want to create a mixed media piece entitled POM POMS IN SPRING.  When the leaf buds begin to explode in their chartreuse green, they look like bright green pom poms scattered along the tree branches.  This is the year I am creating that piece of art.  It is no wonder that the creative urges begin to stir as the sunlight finally bursts forth with the ushering in of springtime promise. All of nature has been eager to get on with the program after the grayness and dreary half-light of winter.  This past winter was made even more dreary with the absence of snow.  though we had our moments, Ohio had a gray, blah winter for the most part.  But now it is spring, with all its color, sunshine and fragrances.  What a glorious wake-up call!

Bunny & friend with Thyme


    As the lilacs begin to bloom, I again challenge myself to do something wonderful with those marvelously fragrant flowers. Lilac jelly and maybe a scarf with lilac blossoms are two such projects that come to mind.  Will this be the year that I manage to capture that heady scent for an eau de toilet?  Just bringing the lilacs into my apartment is a joy in itself as the perfume of springtime fills my living space.  Nearly hidden in one of the shady niches around the deck are shy violets beginning to make their presence known.  Violets are another gift of spring that I must work quickly to capture if there are to be any herbal crafting treasures created from this purple blossoms.  Somehow it all happens at once and I am never ready.  Though the temperature rollercoaster dipped into the freeze zone for a night, we are again experiencing high 80's.   Lemon balm has exploded all over Le Petit Jarden.  I must begin the garden clean-up there before I am completely inundated with lemon balm!  Even my solitary lavender plant is waking up.  Its gray branches are finally showing signs of green.  Thyme has perked up with its fragrant leaves sprouting everywhere.  And the dandelions!  They have popped up everywhere overnight.  My lawn was just mowed two days ago.  My lawn looks like the battle is on with those healthful, but annoying flowers.  Groundhogs have been spied scoping out the area for tasty morsels as the spring flowers show their faces.  even now I am formulating my strategy for planting sunflowers while protecting them from groundhog assault.

    So, for now I must head out to work on cleaning up Le Petit Jardin and to gather some lilacs. Since I am already fortified with tea and cookies, I am ready to take up the challenger of the new gardening season... And there will no doubt be more tea and cookies... After all, one must have one's priorities straight...


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