Delilah's Visit...

...Half way through May, a muggy heat settled into the Akron area.  Those spring days of light rain and of sunlight squeezed momentarily through the clouds somehow transports me into memory days of moist garden delights with new discoveries of herbal treasures.  One of my best memories is that of a now long gone herb farm that was the enjoyable place to commune with nature and to search out special decorating nuggets.  The damp smells of moist earth and dripping herb plants after a light morning shower left a woodsy memory for me that is triggered whenever it is mild and the potted plants are still wet. Many years of having tea and breakfast in my own gardens  has left me with more memories of the visitors to Johnson House herb gardens.  As I dined on scrambled eggs with chive from my own plants, I was often greeted by Sydney the mole.  Oscar the toad was one to hop by, undisturbed by my morning presence. Several butterfly buddies stopped by for a delicate sip from the shallow water trough carved in stone. But my favorite visitor was that of Delilah the dragonfly.  In early summer the first dragonfly visits began.  Several different varieties graced my garden, but it was Delilah, with her graceful, black bejeweled body, who stopped for breakfast every morning for nearly a week. She seemed to pause to share tea, and to listen to my conversation with her.  Changing position throughout the visit, Delilah came closer and closer to me.  Once or twice she perched at the edge of my tea cup. It is now that I realize I miss my little visitors now that I have moved to another home.  It is warm and moist today which makes me think of my little garden friends.  The new owner has taken up the garden and there is nowhere for my friends to visit. All the cardinals and my friend Scout the black-capped chickadee have nowhere to build nests or no one to visit in the garden. Like me, they to have had to move on.  It is today, a humid a warm day, when the smells make me think of gardens past and of  little visitors.  It is today that I am missing Delilah and her visits in the garden... 


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